


What six signs show positivity in markets?

Negative market sentiment is understandable, but Kristina Hooper sees multiple reasons to maintain some positivity even in this difficult environment.

Asset Allocation

As Fed battles inflation, financial advisers brace for recession fallout

Advisers are adjusting clients' portfolios to weather the recession that could result from the central bank's response to spiking prices.


Could summer rally in tech stocks be a bear market trap?

Has the summer rally in tech stocks been a classic bear market trap? A surge that could catch out the unwary and lure them into suffering further losses.

Asset Allocation

“We are not single-outcome investors”: The value perspective in difficult market conditions

Remaining disciplined and using periods of volatility to find opportunities are key tenets of the US Value Team at Artisan Partners.


The signals that point to the market’s long-term recovery

History shows that a rally in a bear market can be something of a false dawn. Several components need to come together to signal a more sustained recovery.


Amundi rolls out ESG separate account for wealthy investors

The Amundi US Equity ESG Improvers SMA is two-thirds allocated to companies expected to improve their ESG score.

Asset Allocation

How historical rallies compare within bear markets

Resisting the urge to try to time the market, focusing on strategic asset allocation, and staying the course has typically been a highly effective approach for long-term investment success.

Asset Allocation

The six essentials when building an investment portfolio

Building a well-crafted portfolio requires an understanding of financial markets, taxes, asset classes, and human nature. Done right, the chances of positive investment outcomes are greatly increased.

Asset Allocation

How lower equity volatility has reduced portfolio risk

Qontigo’s Multi-Asset Class Risk Monitor showed that a stronger co-movement of share prices and foreign exchange rates against the dollar reduced the risk of US assets.


Research shows US dollar ‘remains at strongest level in decades’

Qontigo’s weekly Equity Risk Monitor also revealed falling factor volatility has driven down index risk while Gulf Arab markets came out as top performers.


Amid a red-hot labor market, are we seeing the end of the US bear market?

Equity markets showed positive signs in a week where there was a surprise gain for the labor market, but recessionary concerns are still an ever-present threat.


Morningstar’s Kemp: How to avoid mistakes and access opportunities

It is not only end-investors that make poor decisions when the economic environment becomes challenging; professional investors are equally susceptible to the behavioral biases that lead to poor outcomes.